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The Assignment block lets students upload files for review and grading. 

When creating this block, you have several unique fields:

  • Due: Items cannot be uploaded past this date without either being blocked, or being flagged as late.
  • Put in Gradebook: If this is left unchecked, the assignment will not be graded. This can be useful for collecting optional information, such as a survey.
  • Show Due Time: Due is only enforced if students can see when an assignment is due.
  • Allow Late Submissions: If checked, students can upload past-due items, but they will be flagged.

After opening the block, you will see a window that looks something like this:


This page has five blocks.

  • At the top (a blank bar in this case), is the assignment summary if present.
  • On the upper-left, is a dropdown to select a student. New uploads you haven't looked at yet, are marked with "[NEW]" next to their names.
  • On the upper-right, is a field to enter a grade for the student. You can enter grades with a numerator higher than the denominator for extra credit.
  • On the lower-left, is a "Files" window. Students can upload multiple files here - and you can also upload files in return. Files are marked with when they were submitted, and who uploaded them. This can be done repeatedly in a back-and-forth manner.
  • On the lower-right, is a "Discussion" window. This can also be done repeatedly, in a back-and-forth manner, to discuss an assignment and how it should be graded.